National Small Business Day: Financial Tips for Small Business Owners

National Small Business Day reminds us of the vital role SMBs play in driving economic growth, innovation, and job creation. As we celebrate the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of small business owners, it's crucial to acknowledge the unique financial challenges they face daily, including planning for retirement.

In this blog, we're exploring actionable financial tips tailored specifically for small business owners. These tips aim to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of fiscal management and pave the way for sustainable success.


Introducing the SIMPLE IRA, or Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees, an accessible retirement option tailored for small businesses. In 2023, employees have the opportunity to defer a portion of their salary, pre-tax, with a maximum limit of $15,500 (increasing to $16,000 in 2024). Individuals aged 50 or above have the added advantage of a catch-up contribution allowance of $3,500, elevating their total deferral potential to $19,000.

For the year 2024, the catch-up contribution remains unchanged at $3,500, permitting older employees to defer up to $19,500. However, individuals who participate in other employer-sponsored retirement plans must adhere to a combined contribution cap of $22,500 (rising to $23,000 in 2024).

Employers have the flexibility to match employee contributions up to 3% of the employee's compensation. Alternatively, they can opt for a non-elective contribution of 2% of each eligible employee's compensation, capped at $330,000 in 2023 (increasing to $345,000 in 2024). Notably, employer contributions are tax-deductible, providing an added incentive for businesses to participate in facilitating retirement savings for their employees.

Establish a SEP IRA

The SEP IRA, short for Simplified Employee Pension, represents a specialized retirement avenue designed to empower business proprietors and self-employed individuals to build a robust retirement fund

Functioning akin to a traditional IRA, contributions made to a SEP IRA are tax-deductible for the business entity. Moreover, the funds invested within this plan experience tax-deferred growth until the time of retirement, at which point distributions are subject to taxation as regular income.

For the fiscal year 2024, individuals have the opportunity to allocate funds up to a maximum of $69,000 into a SEP IRA, although certain constraints apply. These constraints dictate that SEP IRA annual contribution limits must not surpass the lesser of two thresholds:

  1. 25% of compensation.
  2. $69,000 for the year 2024.

The initial threshold, pegged at 25% of compensation, also serves as the ceiling for contributions applicable to each eligible employee. It's essential to note that the computation of this 25% limit is contingent upon a cap of $345,000 in compensation for the year 2024. Furthermore, employer contributions are required to be remitted by the due date, inclusive of extensions, of the federal income tax return.

Unlike some retirement plans, SEP IRAs do not accommodate catch-up contributions for individuals aged 50 and above.

Explore IRAs and SOLO 401(k)s

In competitive industries where attracting top talent is paramount, offering enticing benefits like retirement plans becomes a strategic necessity, as outlined in the aforementioned options. Nonetheless, it's important to note that employers aren't obligated to provide retirement benefits to their workforce. In the absence of such offerings, individuals can still prioritize their own retirement savings through avenues like Roth or traditional IRAs, accessible to anyone with employment income.

Moreover, individuals have the option to contribute to an IRA on behalf of their spouse. Roth IRAs permit contributions with after-tax dollars, leading to tax-free distributions during retirement, whereas traditional IRAs enable contributions with pretax dollars, albeit with taxes levied on distributions. For the tax year 2023, the maximum IRA contribution stands at $6,500, or $7,500 for those aged 50 or above, with increments to $7,000 and $8,000 respectively for 2024.

Lastly, if a small business lacks eligible employees other than the owner's spouse, contributing to a Solo 401(k) becomes a viable alternative for retirement savings.

Budget Wisely

One of the fundamental pillars of financial stability for small businesses is effective budgeting. Establishing a detailed budget for fixed and variable expenses helps business owners to allocate resources strategically and prioritize spending. By closely monitoring cash inflows and outflows, entrepreneurs can identify areas for potential cost savings and help ensure that funds are allocated efficiently to support essential business activities.

Monitor Cash Flow

Cash flow management is paramount for the financial health of small businesses. Regularly monitoring cash flow trends, invoicing promptly, and following up on outstanding payments can help maintain a healthy cash flow cycle. Additionally, negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers and implementing stringent credit control measures can help prevent cash flow bottlenecks and help ensure steady liquidity to support ongoing operations.

Minimize Debt

While leveraging debt wisely can support business growth and expansion, excessive debt can present considerable risks to small businesses. Minimizing debt obligations enables small business owners to mitigate financial strain and maintain their enterprises long-term. Here are several debt reduction strategies to aid in this endeavor:

  • Consolidating high-interest loans: This strategy combines multiple loans into a single loan with a lower overall interest rate, typically obtained through a personal loan or a balance transfer credit card. By consolidating, borrowers can streamline their debt payments, reduce their interest expenses, and help pay their debt faster.
  • Refinancing existing debt at lower rates: This debt-minimizing strategy involves replacing one or more existing loans with a new loan that offers more favorable terms, such as a lower interest rate or a longer repayment period. Refinancing can help borrowers reduce their monthly payments, save on interest costs, and repay their debt sooner.
  • Negotiating extended payment terms with creditors: This process entails a longer timeframe to repay outstanding debts, often resulting in reduced monthly payments. This approach can temporarily relieve cash flow constraints and offer small business owners more flexibility in managing their financial obligations. 

Invest in Technology

Technology investment offers small businesses numerous advantages, including heightened efficiency, productivity, customer engagement, and market competitiveness. Explore cost-effective tech solutions tailored to your needs, such as cloud-based accounting software, digital marketing tools, and e-commerce platforms. By embracing technology and the tools available, you can help streamline day-to-day operations, cut expenses, and unearth fresh avenues for business growth.

Diversify Revenue Streams

Relying solely on a single revenue stream can leave small businesses vulnerable to market fluctuations or industry trends. Explore opportunities to help diversify your revenue streams by expanding product offerings, finding new markets, or diversifying your customer base. Spreading risk across multiple income sources can help small business owners create a more resilient business model. Diversification can help owners in the long run by helping them withstand economic uncertainties and seize new opportunities.

Create an Exit Strategy

Developing an exit strategy is crucial for any business owner, as it provides a roadmap for the eventual transfer of ownership or cessation of operations. Here's a structured approach to creating an exit strategy:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your objectives for exiting the business, considering financial targets and personal aspirations.
  2. Evaluate Value: Assess your business's worth through financial analysis and professional valuation services.
  3. Identify Buyers or Successors: Determine potential acquirers or successors, weighing their advantages against your goals.
  4. Prepare the Business: Enhance the value of your business by optimizing operations and addressing any issues.
  5. Plan Transition: Develop a detailed transition plan for a smooth transfer of ownership or management.
  6. Consider Taxes: Consult with financial advisors to help minimize tax liabilities during the exit process.
  7. Seek Professional Help: Engage legal, financial, and business advisors specialized in exit planning for guidance.
  8. Review and Adapt: Regularly review and update your exit strategy to align with changing circumstances and market conditions.

Secure Your Assets

Small business owners require an estate plan to help ensure a smooth transition of their business, protect assets, and minimize taxes. Such planning helps safeguard against uncertainties by outlining clear strategies for business succession in the event of the owner's death or incapacity. It also shields both personal and business assets from potential creditors or lawsuits, helping ensure financial stability and continuity.

Moreover, an estate plan promotes family harmony by preemptively addressing potential disputes over asset distribution. By defining how the business and other assets will be distributed, owners can preserve relationships among heirs and maintain the integrity of the family business. Additionally, estate planning allows owners to leave behind a lasting legacy by articulating their vision for the business and helping ensure it is carried out according to their wishes, contributing to peace of mind and security for both the owner and their loved ones.

Seek Professional Advice

Navigating the complex landscape of small business finances can be daunting, especially for entrepreneurs with limited financial experience. Seeking professional advice from an experienced wealth preservation manager is crucial in navigating this intricate domain. These experienced professionals can provide valuable insights, strategic advice, and customized solutions to help optimize your financial performance and achieve your business goals.

How NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies Can Help

At NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies, we understand small business owners' unique challenges and opportunities on their journey to financial success. Our comprehensive suite of services can be tailored specifically to meet entrepreneurs' needs. Whether you're seeking guidance on cash flow management, debt consolidation, or risk mitigation strategies, our team is here to provide personalized support at every step.

Some of our services include:

  • Investment Strategies: With decades of experience in the financial industry, our team of advisors is proficient at crafting customized investment strategies designed to help maximize returns while minimizing risk. Whether you want to grow your business capital or build a diversified investment portfolio, we leverage our experience and market insights to help you achieve your financial goals.
  • Tax Optimization: Navigating tax code complexities can be intimidating for small business owners. That's where NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies excels. We have extensive experience in tax optimization strategies tailored to help meet your unique business needs by minimizing tax liabilities, maximizing deductions, and optimizing your overall tax position.
  • Retirement Planning: Planning for retirement is a crucial aspect of long-term financial success. Our team works closely with small business owners to help develop comprehensive retirement plans that align with their short and long-term goals. Whether you're considering traditional retirement accounts, SEP-IRAs, or other retirement vehicles, we provide personalized guidance to help ensure you're on track for a secure and comfortable retirement.
  • Estate Planning: Preserving your legacy and seamlessly transferring wealth to future generations requires careful estate planning. NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies helps craft estate plans that help protect your assets, minimize tax implications, and uphold your wishes. From wills and trusts to succession planning for family-owned businesses, we provide comprehensive estate planning solutions tailored to your needs.

Partnering with NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies means gaining a trusted ally dedicated to your financial success. With our experience in investment strategies, tax optimization, retirement planning, estate planning, and more, we are committed to helping small business owners navigate the complexities of the financial landscape and achieve their long-term goals.

Schedule a complimentary strategy session to get started!

Final Thoughts

Regardless of whether you intend to continue working, setting up a retirement plan for your small business proves advantageous. This initiative grants you flexibility, ensuring you have various avenues available. Having such flexibility fosters greater satisfaction with the trajectory you ultimately decide to pursue.

On National Small Business Day, let's honor the dedication, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit of small business owners who are the backbone of our economy. By implementing these financial tips and adopting a proactive approach to fiscal management, small business owners can overcome challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and chart a path toward long-term success and prosperity. 

Together, let's celebrate the resilience of small businesses and empower them to thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.