Why Age and Experience Matter: Nic J. McLeod's Unique Approach to Preserving Your Wealth

Highly experienced advisors work closely with you to create a personalized investment strategy and identify opportunities to help enhance and protect your assets. However, many retirees and pre-retirees may not realize the unique benefits a relatively younger advisor (under 50) can bring to the retirement table.

When it comes to planning for retirement, having a knowledgeable and experienced advisor can make all the difference. With the right guidance, you can navigate the complexities of financial planning and help ensure a comfortable, worry-free retirement. However, the financial advisory industry faces a significant demographic shift, with the average age of advisors in the U.S. at 56 and about 20% set to retire in the coming years.

This demographic shift has led to concerns that there may not be enough younger advisors to meet the needs of clients with increasingly complex financial situations. So what happens when your financial advisor retires before you do? 

Enter Nic J. McLeod, a second-generation financial advisor and Wealth Preservation Manager with 20 years of experience helping individuals reach their retirement goals confidently. And the average age of NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies? Forty-one.

Why Experience Matters

Undoubtedly, the most important factor of retirement income planning and wealth preservation stems from experience in the field. Experience in wealth management isn't just a bonus—it's a necessity. 

Experienced wealth managers like Nic of NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies bring a wealth of knowledge, having navigated numerous market cycles and economic conditions. He and his dedicated team understand the intricacies of financial planning and can anticipate potential pitfalls, providing strategies to help mitigate risks and maximize returns.

Why Age Matters

The financial advisory industry is facing a significant challenge: the aging population of advisors. Many advisors are nearing retirement themselves, which can leave clients in a lurch. This raises a critical question: who will manage your financial health when your advisor retires?

A relatively younger advisor (which can be categorized under fifty) can be better than an older seasoned one for several reasons:

  1. Longevity: Younger advisors are more likely to be with you throughout your entire financial journey, reducing the risk of having to switch advisors as you age.
  2. Adaptability: Younger advisors often stay more current with the latest trends, technologies, and strategies in financial planning, offering innovative solutions.
  3. Energy and Drive: They typically bring a high level of enthusiasm and a proactive approach to managing your finances.
  4. Long-term Planning: Younger advisors are in a better position to help you plan for long-term goals, helping ensure consistency and stability in your financial strategy.
  5. Fresh Perspectives: They can offer new insights and perspectives that might not be as readily available from those who have been in the industry for many years.

Nic J. McLeod: A Wealth Manager with 20 Years of Experience

Nic J. McLeod’s career in wealth management spans two decades. During this time, he has built a reputation for excellence, guiding countless clients toward achieving their financial goals. His extensive experience is complemented by a deep understanding of market dynamics and a commitment to personalized client service.

Unique Talents and Skills

One of Nic’s standout qualities is his ability to customize retirement strategies. Every client is unique, and Nic takes the time to understand each person’s financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. This personalized approach helps ensure that every strategy is tailored to meet the specific needs of the client.

Nic J. McLeod’s Firm: Young and Experienced

Nic J. McLeod’s firm stands out in this regard. With an average age of 41 and a combined experience of over 60 years, the firm is well-positioned to provide long-term, consistent financial advice. This unique blend of a younger age and experience helps ensure that clients receive the best of both worlds: innovative thinking backed by seasoned expertise.

Consistency and Reliability

Consistency in wealth management is crucial. Changing advisors frequently can disrupt your financial planning and lead to miscommunication. Nic J. McLeod understands this and is dedicated to providing reliable, ongoing support to his clients. His commitment to long-term relationships ensures that he will be there when it matters most.

Retirement Strategies: Planning for the Long Term

Long-term planning is at the heart of Nic’s approach. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for various stages of retirement, from early retirement years to advanced age. By focusing on sustainability and flexibility, Nic helps clients create retirement plans that can adapt to changing circumstances and helps ensure financial security throughout their retirement.

The Vault: Exclusive Content for Clients

One of the unique offerings from Nic J. McLeod is The Vault, a password-protected repository of exclusive educational content. This valuable resource contains over 20 years of knowledge, providing clients with insights and strategies that they can’t find anywhere else. The Vault is a testament to Nic’s commitment to delivering exceptional value to his clients. If you’d like to know more about gaining access to The Vault, chat with Nic here

NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies also offers ready-to-access resources through exclusive video content, blogs and up-to-date financial news, all available on the website here

Innovative Annuity Strategy

Nic’s approach to annuities is both innovative and client-focused. He believes in educating clients about the benefits and drawbacks of annuities, ensuring they make informed decisions. He emphasizes the role of annuities in providing steady income, and if applicable, transparency with what alternative financial tools are better suited for your unique needs, especially in uncertain market conditions.

Future-Proofing Your Financial Health

Planning for the future means anticipating changes and preparing for the unexpected. Nic offers strategies to future-proof your finances, helping ensure you remain financially secure even in the face of economic uncertainty. His recommendations are designed to provide peace of mind and long-term stability.

Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Nic’s impact is best illustrated through the success stories of his clients. Many individuals have shared their positive experiences, highlighting how Nic’s guidance has helped them achieve their financial goals. These testimonials emphasize the effectiveness of Nic’s personalized approach and his dedication to client success.

The Role of Family Values, Transparency, and Trust in Wealth Management

Nic’s relationship with God and his family is the driving force of his career and business. Nic’s best friend is his lovely wife Shayda. They have two wonderful young children together, ages 8 and 11. Nic J. 

Being dedicated to his faith and practicing his core values of trust and honesty, Nic always acts in the best interests of his clients. This is a critical distinction that sets him apart from many other advisors. His business ethics ensures that clients receive unbiased advice, free from conflicts of interest.

Whether recreationally volunteering in his community or professionally helping his clients secure and preserve their wealth, Nic’s sincerity and passion for betterment are indisputable.

Why Choose NJM?

Choosing the right wealth manager is a critical decision. Nic J. McLeod’s unique blend of experience, personalized service, and innovative strategies and youth make him an excellent choice that helps bring peace of mind to his clients. His commitment to their success and his ability to adapt to changing financial landscapes set him apart as a top wealth manager in the nation.

What’s more, Nic proudly owns a record free of any consumer complaints. This is a direct result of the core values at NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies.

To Sum Up

The value of experience in wealth management cannot be overstated. Nic J. McLeod’s 20 years of expertise, combined with his personalized approach and innovative strategies, make him an ideal partner for your retirement planning. Consider working with Nic to help ensure a confident, worry-free retirement. Contact NJM Wealth Preservation Strategies here today.


1. What sets Nic J. McLeod apart from other wealth managers? Nic’s unique combination of 20 years of experience, personalized retirement strategies, and his reputation sets him apart from other wealth managers.

2. How does Nic customize retirement strategies? Nic takes the time to understand each client’s financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance, creating tailored strategies to meet their specific needs.

3. What is The Vault, and how can it benefit me? The Vault is a password-protected repository of exclusive content containing over 20 years of knowledge, providing clients with valuable insights and strategies.

4. Why is the average age of financial advisors important? The average age of financial advisors is important because many are nearing retirement themselves, which can disrupt clients’ financial planning. Choosing a younger, experienced advisor ensures long-term consistency.

5. How can I get in touch with Nic J. McLeod? You can reach Nic J. McLeod through his website at njmnwa.com for personalized wealth management services.

More About Nic J. McLeod


Nicolas (Nic) J. McLeod is a man of determination and competitive grit. Whether in the gym, on the tennis court with his wife, or at home teaching his children a new chord on the guitar,  Nic brings a high level of intensity and passion to the forefront.

Nic is a second-generation Wealth Preservation Specialist. He was fortunate to grow up having witnessed his father act as a trailblazer in an industry we refer to today as Wealth Preservation. This impacted him at an early age and it has now been over forty years since his father first started his practice in 1982. In 2005, Nic decided to launch his own firm and has now helped nearly 1000 families spread across the nation who have entrusted him with their financial wellbeing. Nic’s client base is diverse in both their professional backgrounds & financial needs. 

Nic has been actively serving his clients for nearly 20 years and proudly owns a record free of any consumer complaints. This is a direct result of the core values at NJM.

“As your trusted advisors, our job is to foster a relationship of trust, both legally and ethically. This is what drives us, so that our client and his or her best interests are always first. We then take it to the next level and employ full transparency for both our clients and the multitudes of financial institutions we work with. Many of our clients have become like family and we could not be more thankful for them.” 


Nic’s relationship with God and his family are the driving force of his core. Nic’s best friend is his lovely wife Shayda. They have two wonderful young children together, ages 8 and 11. Following in their father’s footsteps, they are both academically and athletically gifted. Nic is a proud leader in his home and enjoys every opportunity to teach his children anything from playing a new cord on their own guitars to the mechanics of throwing a perfect spiral in the backyard. While Nic & Shayda spend weekdays working hard to ensure their clients remain financially secure, the family spends weekends enjoying their beautiful natural surroundings in Northwest Arkansas & of course cheering on the Hogs!

Among his many accomplishments, Nic is a classically trained musician and gifted athlete. As a musician, Nic was met with quick success on local and national radio and often performed at sold-out shows in the largest and most well-known regional and national venues throughout the United States. He studied at the prestigious Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, majoring in Lead Guitar Theory and single-string improv. Music continues to be a major component in Nic’s life and one he enjoys sharing with his family. Downtime is often spent composing new songs as well as improving classics for his family and personal enjoyment.

As an athlete, Nic was a highly touted D1 football prospect throughout his high school years with collegiate aspirations cut short due to a severe arch injury. He turned his recovery time into yet another venture and entered into the world of bodybuilding as a top contender. He then sought to inspire and educate other athletes by consulting for the University of Arkansas strength coaches making lifelong friends in the process. Using his extensive experience in sports and life, Nic also enjoyed helping troubled adolescents and underprivileged youth in his community as a “Big Brother” at the local Boys & Girls Club which he fondly lists as one of his top passions.

Whether recreationally volunteering in his community or professionally helping his clients secure and preserve their wealth, Nic’s sincerity and passion for betterment are indisputable.

“I believe in daily goals and mine is to be a humble servant. This is what gives me my moral compass. Our relationships and our health must be prioritized and I am committed to helping create financial success for all of my clients so they can have and spend their free time on the things that matter most to them.”